Blacking out isn't shameful, every black out is a great learning curve, it is vital to find out exactly what happened and to prevent the same thing from happening again! Black Out will not do any good to your training! BO不是件丟臉的是情,每一次BO都是一個很棒的機會,一定要找出原因才能夠避免下次再發生同樣的事情! 另外,BO對訓練是完全沒有幫助的! So this is my first Black Out during a depth session. Here’s a little background on myself: I have been quite used to SLOW dives, my previous FIM was 76m @ 3:51 with a clean SP (2 days ago) and during my previous comp I did 72m @ 3:17 twice also with clean SP (4~5 days ago). So I am not too fussy about the dive time at this stage. However, I know my freefall is a bit (quite) out of shape as my main focus was on equalisation and relaxation. Here goes the detail of my blackout: My plan was to do a 75m dive with bi-fin, hoping to work on my freefall a bit. Breath-up was nice and relax, packing went well as usual. Just before I duck dive, I heard Yen saying “wait…. Actually don’t worry”, so I started my dive without too much thoughts. The dive started nice, I could feel myself being a bit buoyant due to the packing, but that wasn’t too much of a problem for me. After hearing my alarm at 30m, I slowly started my mouthfill, it was probably one of the nicest mouthfill I’ve ever done. “Here comes the best part of the whole dive” I tell myself as I slowly stop finning and get my body into the freefall position. Not too long after the freefall, I could feel my body being pulled away from the dive line, my initial thought was that my freefall was out of shape again, so I tried to adjust my body positions to counter that movement. However, non of my adjustments were helping, so I thought “Maybe I’ll just dive like I used to. Put myself into complete relaxation and forget about the speed or body position for now”. And here was my BIG mistake… I have never encounter a deep current before, my past experiences with currents are quite consistent form surface to depth. Should have turned round right now! So the dive goes on, I could feel my body slowly falling towards the end of the rope and could also feel the sensation of narcosis gradually creeping up. Finally I hit the bottom, still have a huge gulp of air in my mouth, so I swallowed it as I turned. Turning was easy, but as soon as I turned, I could feel my lanyard tightened and I was bing pulled away by a strong current! The ascend part as far as I remembered, I have been trying to fin up at a 45 degree angel to the dive line. Next thing I know, I was on the surface, feeling Jurgen blowing into my face... Yen met me at depth and said that I started grabbing the rope around 15m, did manage to get myself out of water, but could not take my recovery breathing and blacked out. Jurgen held me and gave me a gentle BTT, got me back to reality again. My total dive time was 3:40, which is longer than it should be, but after some talk with other instructors, we concluded that the main cause is the current after 40m, especially the strong one after 60m. It was a great lesson for me, knowing how deep current feels like. To avoid similar incident, I’ll have to remember to turn around when Mother Nature does not want me to dive deep!! Huge thank you for my buddies, Jurgen and Yen, for being there for me. Also a big thank you to Stefan, Sendoh, Jay, for talking me through my experience and finding the cause of this blackout! It was a valuable lesson for myself, I certainly hope all mer-people out there could also benefit form what I have experienced. Train hard, have fun and be safe!! 開放水域BO初體驗 小小背景:在這次事件之前,我一直都很習慣潛。很。慢!兩天前76米FIM總潛水時間為 3:51,4~5天前的比賽也是以3:17完成72米 (兩次)。目前的狀態,潛水時間對我來說基本上影響不太大。我知道我的FF已經年久失修,該要重新練習一下,先前的訓練都專注在平壓與放鬆技巧。 BO現場還原:今天的目標是75米,我知道平壓不是太大的問題但很希望能夠在這一潛好好練習一下我的FF姿勢。呼吸準備與Packing都一如往常,很放鬆,很平靜。下潛之前,依稀聽到日幣說“等一下。。。沒事沒事“ 沒多想什麼,一個躬身就開始了另外一個奇幻旅程。 這一潛有個很好的開始 我可以感覺自己因為Packing有一點浮 但這對我來說影響不大。 在三十米深處聽到我的手錶提示聲後 我緩緩地開始了我的MF 這可能是我做過最棒的一次MF 接著我最喜歡的部份要開始了 我告訴我自己慢慢地停止踢水 然後讓身體呈現FF姿勢 FF之後沒有多少 我可以感覺我身體被拉遠離導潛繩 我一開始以為是我的FF姿勢又走樣了 所以當時我試著適度調整我的身體姿勢 但然而 我怎麼調整都沒有幫助 所以我想 或許我就像我之前一樣的下潛吧 此時我讓自己進入完全放鬆的狀態 忘記所有有關於速度或是身體姿勢 就這樣下潛。 但這是我非常大的錯誤 我以往的經驗都是水面與水底的流都是一致的,從來沒有遇過出現在深度的強流 這當下我應該要轉身的! 下潛依然繼續著,我感覺到我身體慢慢的往繩子的底部墜, 我也感受到氮醉漸漸地向我襲來。 最後我碰到了底部,口中依然還有很大一口的氣,於是我在轉身的時候吞了下去,輕鬆地轉身 但當我轉身同時,我可以感覺我的安全繩瞬間被緊拉扯著 強流將我身體拉遠離繩子,上升的過程中我只有印象 我是45度角的對著繩子往上游,下一個畫面就是我到了水面 然後Jurgen吹著我的臉 日幣幫我做SAFERY 並且告訴我 我大概在十五米左右開始拉繩 自己回到了水面 但並沒有做恢復呼吸並且逼歐 Jurgen抓住我 並且輕柔地幫我BTT 喚醒我的意識 我的總潛水時間是三分四十秒 比正常該有的的時間長很多 在跟其他的教練談過之後 我們的結論是因為過了40米之後的強流 特別是60米之後流更強導致這一次BO。 這是一堂很珍貴的教訓 也明白了深度的強流是什麼樣子的 避免類似的事件發生,我以後會記得在 當大自然不想要我下大深度時,就該乖乖地轉身。 特別感謝我的潛伴Jurgen跟日幣北鼻的陪伴與協助 也非常感謝Stefan、三豆、阿古與我討論我的經驗跟我一起找出 BO的原因。 這對我來說是個很寶貴的經驗,對我來說BO不是件丟臉的事,很開心我有機會可以分享我的經驗,也希望藉透過我的分享可以避免類似的情況再次發生。 最後還是那句,希望大家永遠都能快快樂樂的下水,平平安安的回家! Safety Point of View (Yen)
Got to a new PB today with my equalisation, but my second dive did not go so well, was hit by some weird exhaustion after mouthfill and decided to abort the dive. I did not notice the current starting to build up. Just before Wayne made his dive, I saw the line was at an angle, but it doesn’t seem as bad. Had a thought about stopping Wayne form diving, but as soon as I said “Wait!” I saw Wayne has already started his packing, so I paused and told him not to worry. Dive went quite well to begin with, I could feel the vibration of lanyard zipping towards the end of the line. From past experiences, I know Wayne is quite used to long dive time, but it still gets me nervous. When I finally felt the turn, I count to 20, estimating to meet him at around 25ish. Finning down along the line, I could see Wayne getting closer to me. So I positioned myself in front of him incase he needs me. I could feel his urge to breath was very strong and thought it must have been quite an uncomfortable dive for him. Finning was consistent and firm, but suddenly, Wayne went for the rope and started FIM upwards. Trusting Wayne’s decision, I stayed close but hesitated about helping. Thinking back, that massive urge to breath might have been a sign of samba. We surfaced together on either side of the buoy, I grab onto Wayne’s had, Jurgen was right beside him giving him support keeping his airways out of water. I was hoping to see some recovery breathing, but nothing seems to be happening. So I grabbed his mask and Jurgen immediately started BTT. 2 seconds later, Wayne came back, tried to take his mask off and show his OK signal… This shows how important it is to make SP into a good habit! We had a discussion afterwards. Wayne was very buoyant due to packing, so he was ascending like a rocket towards the end. I thought about helping, but was too busy keeping up with his speed, so I thought I’d just try to stay as close as possible and act if anything should happen. I think I could have given him some help earlier without too much hesitation. My lesson in this is that no matter how good or how careful the dive is, as a safety, we should ALWAYS be prepared for a rescue! 日幣SAFETY角度文 今天的平壓推到了一個新的PB 第二潛一開始下去就不太舒服 原本想不要放棄 可是MF之後整個不舒服很累就放棄轉身了 我以為是自己太弱的問題 沒有意識到流轉強 偉恩下潛之前,我看到繩子歪斜的曲度,我知道流開始轉強,但似乎沒有那麼糟。心裡有一度想要阻止這一潛,當我正開口說“等一下”的時候,看到偉恩已經在做Packing,心想應該沒事的。下潛後看起來很順利。我從繩子上感覺FF傳來拉鍊般的震動,等待偉恩觸底。根據過去的經驗,我知道這一潛的潛水時間很長,其實很緊張。當我感受到轉身的時候,大約數到20就出發,預計大約20~25左右會和偉恩碰面。下潛之後,我沿著導潛繩隱約看到偉恩的影子,隔著繩子靠近著偉恩,當時意識看起來還好,但可以感受到很強烈的呼吸反應,我心想這潛應該很難受。一開始踢水很穩定,但突然開始攀繩。當時很信任偉恩的能力與判斷,所以偉恩選擇攀繩上升,因為偉恩總是跟我說:“不舒服就換成攀繩。“ 現在回想,我以為當時出水面前很大的呼吸反應,但其實應該是森巴。我們一起出了水面,彼此在浮球的兩端,我拉了偉恩的手,Jurgen剛好在偉恩的旁邊扶著他,我本來期待的恢復呼吸卻沒有看到。然後我就把偉恩面鏡扯下來,依然沒有開始恢復呼吸,同時Jurgen就開始做BTT。大約2秒,偉恩悠悠轉醒,馬上做了拿面鏡的動作,並且做出OK的手勢。。。可見,好習慣的養成真的很重要! 和偉恩聊天後的結論,當時,因為偉恩Packing後的浮力很大,導致出水前上升速度很快,當下有一度考慮要幫忙,但因為忙著踢水,而且快到水面了,所以就決定見機行事,我覺得應該可以更即時的反應,立即做出BTT的處理。我認為不管對方的能力再怎麼好,都必須要隨時保持警戒! |
作者奇怪教練 /日幣&偉恩 分類日期
四月 2024